From now on, Feel-Good-Food comes from Every .: The founders Benjamin Ahlers and Casimir Rob want to make connoisseurs healthier and happier with their fresh, colorful bowls. All fine compositions are unbeatably tasty, particularly sustainable and simply perfect for demanding everyday heroes who enjoy uncomplicated culinary delights.

Who would have thought that real foodies would one day order quick frozen food to their home? Benjamin Ahlers and Casimir Rob were convinced of it from the start! You have been delivering since March 2020 Start-up Every. Germany-wide boxes with delicious creations such as “Golden Curry”, “Velvet Crunch” or “Happy Quinoa” right on your doorstep. Ideal for everyone who loves it uncomplicated and, above all, healthy. “What we do has little to do with normal frozen meals,” says Casimir Rob. “Our plant-based bowls inspire even those who normally only have their food delivered from their favorite restaurant.” At, 13 different favorite dishes are waiting to be put together in individual boxes. “Every single meal consists of up to 20 different, finely coordinated ingredients – without any artificial additives,” says Benjamin Ahlers. “You can’t just prepare something like this in ten minutes.” With Every. it works perfectly – in the kitchen at home as well as in the office. No matter whether as a full meal or snack: Simply heat the bowl and enjoy. For clearly more energy and well-being!

Freshly harvested and balanced
The 27-year-old northern Germans, both absolute food lovers and best friends, are already half of their Life, have a clear mission: They want everyone to be able to eat consciously. So that even people with an overly busy schedule can enjoy quick, unhealthy meals in the future dispense. “We carefully discussed every recipe with nutritionists and food Experts like Anna Culina, Bianca Zapatka, Liberta and Carolin Kotke worked out,” explains Casimir Rob. Although all balanced meals are purely plant-based, the Every. Fans are by no means only vegetarians or vegans. “We decided to forego animal products out of full conviction, because the climate and animal welfare are important to us,” says Benjamin Ahlers, who has been dealing with the subject of nutrition for a long time. “The human body is primarily designed for a plant-based diet. Our bowls provide a first-class combination of complex carbohydrates, valuable proteins, healthy fats and fiber. ”The exceptional quality of the ingredients is thanks to the shock freezing: The innovative technology keeps crisp vegetables and fruit fresh from the harvest and also ensures that not only taste but also vitamins and minerals are optimally preserved. No wonder that the Every.- innovation team can’t help but conjure up new, fresh products from countless ideas.

Clean eating, clean planet
All dishes are made in Northern Germany. Lots of raw materials like spinach, peas or potatoes come directly from the region and are grown outdoors. The fava bean also thrives in Germany, from which the particularly protein-rich field bean noodles for the “Spicy Noodles ”. It goes without saying that selected exotic gadgets such as crunchy water chestnuts and the nutritious jackfruit are not missing. Clean eating has never been so delicious!
“We know exactly where which ingredient comes from. Our farmers go through strict quality controls ”, say the founders. Sustainable action is part of Every.-DNA. The young Company with soon 17 employees works completely climate neutral. All packaging is made from recyclable cardboard and even the insulating materials for cooling during the shipping are completely compostable.
In January this year alone, 3,000 new customers could convince themselves of the consistently high standards of the two founders. Food waste? At Every. almost impossible, because the dishes can be kept for nine to twelve months in the freezer. And so incredibly delicious that you won’t linger there long anyway!

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